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Information Description
Tour name UP. MER-DE-GLACE
Product code KTO902
Description A confortable electric rack-railway conveys passengers from Chamonix to Nontenvers ( 1913m / 6276 ft) a vantage point wih fine views of the Mer de Glace. This magnificent glacier is 7 km/ 4 miles long and averages 1200m / 3/4-mile in width.

The Montenvers train - La Mer de Glace (Ice Sea)

This charming little red train has been ferrying travellers up to the Montenvers site and the world famous Mer de Glace glacier since 1908.
Surrounded by prestigious summits, les Drus (3754 m), les Grandes Jorasses (4205 m) and les Grands Charmoz (3842 m), the Montenvers site offers numerous exhibitions to enable everyone to know more about the life of the largest French glacier (7 km long !) and about nature in the Alps.

Discovering the site
A panorama and access to the Mer de Glace.
A grotto cut in the heart of the ice.
The crystals gallery cut in the rock.
The Musée de la Faune Alpine.
A guided tour of the Hôtel Restaurant du Montenvers.
An Ice garden making it possible to walk on the glacier (in summer).
The theme trails, to learn about nature.
