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Visit Lyon, a city with a very rich history and culture with beautiful old quarters and many museums.

Información Description
Intitulado Lyon, Old town and shopping Outlet
Código VOJ058
Apertura October 5
Horarios 8h40
Descripción Only 2 hours from Geneva, visit Lyon, a city with a very rich history and culture with beautiful old quarters and many museums.
Listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, at the confluence of the Rhône and Saône rivers, explore the traboules of Vieux Lyon, the quays and the Fourvière district. Do not miss eating in a typical Lyon stopper.

In the afternoon, you can quench your thirst for shopping in a place with innovative architecture, design and plant life, and unearth brand nuggets at reduced prices!
It is in Villefontaine that it happens, in a veritable village of brands which brings together 110 luxury, premium luxury and sports brands, as well as restaurants. A prestigious offer of up to 70% reduction all year round!
Salida 7h20 Lausanne gare CFF
7h40 Morges gare CFF
8h00 Rolle gare CFF
8h20 Nyon gare CFF
8h40 gare routière Genève - Place Dorcière
Punto de regreso Genève - Nyon - Rolle - Morges
18h30 Lausanne gare CFF
Incluso Transport
Bottled water
Free town in Lyon and outlet village
Organizado por Swisstours Transport S.A. - 8 rue François Bonivard - 1211 Genève 1
Tél. +41 (22) 781 04 04
